If you are like me, I'm horrified at what is happening as our Ukrainian friends have their country invaded. I want to do more than just read about it. Like you, I want to help.
There is a lot of information here so keep scrolling to each section
Details of this Fundraiser & Quilt Drive
- Fundraiser for Ukraine - Donation to Unicef to help the Ukrainian children. We are almost at $200,000 from over 21 countries in the world! https://ukraine.unicef.org.au/quiltersstandforukraine
- My Free quilt pattern - to make a single block for yourself, friend or a business to display. My Pattern also includes a quilt to make and donate for our Ukrainian Quilt Drive
- FREE Cross stitch A free Sunflower Cross stitch pattern to make from the Fat Quarter Shop
- Quilt Donation Information - 2 locations to send quilts
- Donation from t-shirt sales - A gorgeous T-shirt to purchase from my good friend Kate Spain, with part of the proceeds going to World Central Kitchen for feeding people, it is an excellent charity run by Chef José Andrés. Get the tshirt at https://kdspain.com/tshirts/sunflowers-in-my-heart
- Quilt Gallery - Load a photo of your quilts in the gallery at the end
** Fundraiser for Ukraine **
On March 1, 2022 I was inspired by Maria Nelga of Quilt.studio, who is also the president of the Ukrainian Quilters Guild. She put out a plea for peace (see her post at the end)
I know the best way to help Ukraine is to send money to support them. There are so many efforts available. Working with my friends at Aurifil thread, we came up with Unicef. They had a the ability for us to create a landing page for all countries to use where the funds we give go JUST to supporting the Ukrainian Children
I've created this free Stars for Strength pattern made in the flag colors of Ukrainian. 💙 💛
I want you to make up a star block, or quilt, in the Blue 💙and yellow 💛 Of the Ukraine flag and show to everyone. And also to remind yourself of the strength of our Ukrainian friends.
** What can do you? **
- DONATE $10.00 or MORE at https://ukraine.
unicef.org.au/ quiltersstandforukraine - Go below and download my free pattern
- Make the block or one of the quilts to be donated
- Share this with all your quilting and non quilting friends.
- use #QuiltersStandForUkraine
Thank you so much for helping our Ukrainian friends 💕
** Quilt Delivery & Lutheran World Relief Warehouse Tour **
::Lutheran World Relief
–Quilt page https://lwr.org/quilts
–Main page https://lwr.org/
CLICK- for This gorgeous blue and yellow fabric line
Download Pat Sloan Quilters stand for Ukraine Quilt pattern
Share your photo and use #QuiltersStandForUkraine
Pillowcase pattern https://shrsl.com/3grbm
** Free Cross stitch Pattern **
If you prefer to cross stitch the Fat Quarter shop has this darling sunflower for free
Click to Download the Cross Stitch pattern
Quilts by my Ambassador Team - Kathy, Kendall (a shop owner in Melbourne Australia), Laura, Bobbie, Brenda, Carrie and me, Pat Sloan.
** Download my FREE Quilters Stand for Ukraine pattern **
Quilts have been made and displayed by so many of you!
Now it's time to make quilts to send as well. We still need your donation of money. Now I have 2 places to send quilts.
First do your donation, then download the pattern
***My Quilters Stand with Ukraine Video ***
DONATE NOW AT https://ukraine.
Thank you so much for helping our Ukrainian friends 💙 💛
Download Pat Sloan Quilters stand for Ukraine pattern
Share your photo and use #QuiltersStandForUkraine
** Sending Quilts of Love for Ukrainians **
I am very happy to have 2 places for sending your quilts. I have spoken to both places and I know they will be great options for your quilt to be sent and given to a person in need.
READ CAREFULLY they both have criteria you need to follow.
Watch my video above for more details on both of these Quilt Relief Efforts
Option #1 - LWR - Lutheran World Relief
Karla Walker is part of our quilt community. She has been making quilts for the LWR for over 20 years and knows a lot about the process. The Lutheran World Relief has been around for 100 years. One of their efforts for many years is the Quilt Relief. This in a non-denominational effort
In my video above I explain how they work along with some wonderful photos given to me by Karla.
For more information on their Quilt Relief:
- visit their website at https://lwr.org/quilts/resources
- download this information sheet which also has the addresses at the bottom right of the last page https://lwr.org/ai_file_subscribe/file/4968
- Size - approximately 60 x 80. My pattern is 63 x 83 which the director confirmed is fine. They use a standard size for two main reasons, shipping is easier as they have a system. All those standard size bundles above are quilts. And the other reason is quilts are given to all different nationalities and communities around the world. The standard size means they are all 'the same' when handed out.
- Quilting - You can do any type of quilting or tie your quilt for LWR
- Quilt Label- Right now NO Labels as wording could cause the shipment to be rejected at the country it is being delivered to. Think about the person receiving it and say a prayer
- Ship Your Quilt of Love to one of these 2 warehouses in the United States
- What if the quilt is not the right size? If you forget about the size, the quilt will go to a local organization that will use it, no quilt goes unloved.
- What type of batting - any type
- Can we tie the quilt - yes
- What colors - any colors, keep it neutral without specific images such as sport, halloween, religious. That way they can be used for anyone
- What Pattern? Mine or any other that is between 60 x 80 to 63 x 83
Ship to either warehouse
Lutheran World Relief
601 Main Street
PO Box 188
New Windsor, MD 21776
Phone: 410.635.8795
Lutheran World Relief
398 East Richmond Street
South St. Paul, MN 55075
Phone: 651.457.9009
Option #2 Becky Tillman Petersen in Poland
Becky is part of the Quilted Twins, her sister Rachel is in Florida, Becky and her husband Mike live and work in Poland. They also have friends in Ukraine. Besides their regular job they run the Fundacja Opoka nonprofit there. Becky is in full swing for helping the Ukrainian refugees in her town and beyond.. She is blogging about her work at https://blog.quiltedtwins.com/new-blog
I have known Becky for quite a few years. She said you can send your quilt DIRECTLY to her to give to Ukrainian refugees.
This is the posts I'm referencing in the video above
- https://blog.quiltedtwins.com/new-blog/2022/march-explosion-of-knowledge-refugees
- And how she processes the quilts to be given https://blog.quiltedtwins.com/new-blog/2022/march-it-figures
This is great! Anyone in any country may send her a quilt.
- Size - ANY size, including baby or children size quilts. She is meeting children all the time.
- MOST IMPORTANT CUSTOMS INFO - You need to put that this is 'A GIFT with a value at $0' or she will get hit with a lot of customs. Also put "for Ukraine" on a note in the box with the quilt. Do the Custom label correctly or she may have to decline it because of the custom fees. So get that part right when you ship it. To give you an idea of shipping costs from the United States, she said it could be $50.00. Baby quilts will most likey cost less to ship
- Quilt Label- write a label with something personal so the person who receives it know you made it with love. Becky will show them the label
- What type of batting - any type
- Can we tie the quilt - yes
- What colors - any colors, keep it neutral without specific images such as sport, halloween, religious. That way they can be used for anyone
- What Pattern? Mine or any other that you want to make. No size limit
Ship Your Quilt of Love to
Becky Petersen
ul. Wiazowska 75B
05-420 Jozefow
Becky [email protected]
Phone numbers if needed
Poland 509-202-267 or an American number -352-458-4586.
OR they are collecting quilts in the FL Shop to be shipped later as a group
Quilted Twins
THEY ARE FULL and trying to figure out the shipping costs and someone to ship. So do NOT send quilt here anymore until they figure it out
** T-shirt Fundraiser by my Friend Kate Spain **
This gorgeous T-shirt is the one I'm wearing in the video above. You purchase from my good friend Kate Spain. She is donating a portion of the profits, which is the amount after the cost of t-shirt, printing, shipping, bank fees and applicable taxes, to World Central Kitchen for feeding people, it is an excellent charity run by Chef José Andrés.
I bought the steel blue in a large, that is what I'm wearing in the video.
Get the tshirt at kdspain.com/tshirts/sunflowers-in-my-heart
Maria's note that inspired me to start this fundraiser
Read all the notes left at https://www.facebook.com/groups/QuiltWithPatSloan/posts/2063636973819525/
DONATE NOW AT https://ukraine.
Thank you so much for helping our Ukrainian friends 💙 💛