Thank you so much for coming along with me each day to talk quilting! I'm on a mission to wrap up a few projects that I laid out on yesterday's video. So let's get to it!
- Today is 'Get it done' Day #2.
- Did you get the supply list for NEXT Block Wed -"What's in your Closet"?
- Don't forget High Tea Star block from Monday!
- Free Drawstring pattern!
- If you missed some of my videos go to and catch up!
- ALSO check out the Accuquilt deal of the day!
**Block Wednesday Mystery QAL Autumn Wonders**
Here are my borders and the fun corners!
Download Pat Sloan's Autumn Wonders Prior Blocks, Supply List, layout pattern
::Also watch Kendall’s videos on making Autumn Wonders
*** Free "What's In Your Closet" Mystery Quilt Along! ***
Join me for a Happy Block Wednesday Mystery Quilt along!
I have 16 fun and easy blocks with a clothing theme each week to celebrate the things we love to wear.
Download Pat Sloan Whats in your Closet Supply List and layout directions
- RUNS: Jan 24, 2024 to May 15, 2024 for 17 weeks
- Quilt size: VERSION 1 - Asymmetrical 60" x 80" and VERSON 2 - 64" x 64"
- Blocks: One Pieced Block a week.
- My videos are an integral part of this sew along, be sure to watch them. They are posted IN the article each week or you can watch at my Youtube Channel
- Quilt Photo Sharing: Share at my Facebook community or at the end of each article. You can share your fabric down below! I am using the same photo share for all sew along
***How do I get notified? ***
- Sign up to get notices of my videos
- ENTER YOUR EMAIL to get the weekly notice
- My Drawing room fabric
- My Widebacks for this line are so pretty (amount in the supply list)
**High Tea Quilt Along**
Join in! The blocks are easy and fun! I gave you the first assigment on Monday, watch at Our Ambassador Kendall is also sewing along on his video CLICK HERE
- High Tea started Nov 27
- High Tea Pattern at
- MyDrawing room fabric
**Free Drawstring bag & Alphabet**
FREE pattern Moda Drawstring bag
Video =
**My Daily video **
- –Accuquilt Diecut machine I use
- –Bins Project storage Containers/bins box I use at and
- –Labels
- –Pens
- –Rolling Carts
- Sloan Zone Tshirts, tote, Mug at
- Not a subscriber yet? You sign up for FREE notices for my videos by going to
***AccuQuilt Daily Deal**
Every day there is a GREAT deal, so it pays to look and see!
Daily Deal