I show you a quick way to change out your rotary cutter blade on the video today and a bunch of other things, be sure you watch to know what's going on.
- JOLLY BOX preorder!
- Chicken Salad!
- Quilted Witch from Thurs
- Best Rotary cutter & Blades
- Did you miss the Calendar? download!
- Watch my Daily Video -- Have you wondered what I do on the weekends? In my video I explain how my weekends may not be what you think they are
- AccuQuilt Deal of the day Link, check it out!
- Share your photos of your Sew along blocks at the end!
*** Jolly Box preorder!! ***
*** Get in on the Jolly box! https://shrsl.com/4ag2v
they are LIMITED quantity and always awesome! And when they are gone, well.. you cry if you didn't get one!
*** Chicken Salad QAL! ***
- ::Starch I’m using https://amzn.to/3rdnIPQ
- ::Alphabitties https://shrsl.com/47jix
- ::Design boards https://shrsl.com/2c4dm
- The chicken templates if you wanted to do applique chickens https://shrsl.com/40xyd
- Here are Lori's instructions using the templates
1 - M-41 - M-61 - M-111 - M-191 - M23 (reversed)1 - M24 (reversed)1 - M-30You will also need to cutthe background 13 1/2" x 13 1/2"and your straight bias stripsfor the feet and beaks 5/8" wideas it says in the guide:)
See the Video for this week at https://youtu.be/Te0KpSU_Dho
::Olfa Quick Release Rotary Cutters https://shrsl.com/4afwf
::Endurance Blades https://shrsl.com/4afwi
::Thread cutters that use the old Blades https://shrsl.com/4afwk
*** Download your November Calendar ***
Download Nov 2023 Project Calendar*****************************
** My Daily video **
- My Aurifl thread at https://shrsl.com/3vsys and https://amzn.to/3Xfn7Ih
- Blue Project Containers / bins https://amzn.to/3vRPSyw
- Design boards:: https://shrsl.com/2c4dm
- Sloan Zone Tshirts, tote, Mug at https://kdspain.com/sloanzone
***AccuQuilt Daily Deal**
Every day there is a GREAT deal, so it pays to look and see!
Daily Deal https://shrsl.com/327gn
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