I have a wonderful online community of over 85,000 quilters from around the world sewing with me every day.
In my Online group people share the projects they make from my designs, and they share the other projects they are doing. We see their Glorious Finishes, we hear about the fails and how they picked themselves up, got friendly with 'Mr Jack Ripper' and fixed the issue to move on.
We help each other, and we also teach others to sew. Sharing sewing with your grandchildren, your neighbors, and even new friends meet in my online group!
With all the making going on people also create quilts from their own designs. We have beginners who just gave it a go. There are very talented quilters doing art pieces and sharing the process, and those who look at a pattern and change this.. and change that.
Candace Wasman is active in my group and one day she had an idea for this quilt. As she was working on it she shared her process with us, like so many do in my group. When she was done making this for herself, to try out her idea, she offered to write up the pattern for everyone. So generous!
I asked Candace if she wanted some help writing the pattern.
Now you can all enjoy Candance's super cute Mon Premier, which is French for "My First'
Download Mon Premier Quilt pattern by Candace Wasman
If you struggle with quilting a large quilt in your machine, Marti's online class will teach you how to quilt in units before putting the whole thing together. Then she shows you how to assembler the units for a finished quilt. It's a fantastic class!
BUY THE Machine Quilting in Sections Class